Since his Project “Gelb92” (Yellow92) Günther has been investigating the manifestation of the (Western) image in its significance for the definition and establishment of images of the world and of man, its effect on the modes of the visible and invisible, its role and weight for the development of social behavior / social relations. In this context, Günther’s work also represents an advancement in the conceptualization of indeterminacy. This is not the pure indeterminacy of an arbitrary, negative freedom without transcendance and history. It is instead precisely the indeterminacy – and thus the non-depictability – that cannot be anticipated or made relative by any commonality, neither that of a society nor that of a community. In the transition from the general to the singular, from the common to the particular, from language to speech, from potentitality to actuality, indeterminacy is applied: the indeterminacy of the human individual.
Christian Kupke